News and Events




International Conference of the Speech and Language Pathologists

The Sri Lanka Association for Speech and Language Pathologists (SLASLP) invites you to submit abstracts for the international conference of speech and language therapy in Sri Lanka, themed “Speech and Language Therapy Across The Lifespan” to be held on the 25th of July 2025


Abstract submission open : 05th March 2025
Deadline for abstract submission: 05th April 2025
Abstract Guidelines
1.  The research should be on a topic related to the following specific scopes;
    • Child communication (speech/ language/ hearing)

    • Adult communication (speech/ language/ hearing)

    • Voice disorders (children/ adults)

    • Fluency disorders (children/ adults)

    • Feeding/ swallowing disorders (children/ adults)

    • Service provision in speech-language therapy

    • Current issues in local and international contexts of speech-language therapy.

2. Abstract should be of maximum 300 words. Text must be in single line spacing, Times New Roman font size 12.
3. Names of the authors should be in first and last name order. The names of authors and their affiliations (institutions) should be on the cover page with the title. All presenting authors’ names should be underlined.
4. The abstract should be on the second page of your submission with the following areas;
    • Introduction: clearly state the purpose of the study

    • Methods: describe the methodology of the study and include objectives

    • Results: findings of the study

    • Conclusion: the final message from the authors

5. Do not include tables/ illustrations and references in the abstract.
Please note that submissions will not be accepted after the deadline.
For accepted abstracts,
    • The first author (presenting author) is required to attend the conference in person.
    • All attending authors should register for the conference by paying the registration fee.
Note: Abstracts that are unable to meet the requirements above, will be rejected


[email protected]


5th Annual General Meeting of SLASLP

“Sri Lankan Association of Speech and Language Pathologists had their 5th annual general meeting on 11th of August 2023. A new committee was appointed to take over the office for 2024 and 2025. Ms. Thushani Jayasooriya was re-appointed as the president, while Mrs. Nina as the vice president. Ms. Yashodha Hettiarachchi and Ms. Lakshika Udugama were appointed as the joint secretaries. Ms. Navindra Rajapaksha was re-appointed as one of the co-treasurers and Ms. Kalhari was appointed as the other co-treasurer. Then, Dr. Malka Jayathilaka, Mrs. Prabhani Dineshika, Ms. Asanka Weerasinghe, Ms. Buddhima Samaraweera, Dr. Thilini Lokubalasuriya, Dr. Isuru Dharmarathna, Mrs. Pumali Perera, Mrs. Ashari Weerasinghe and Mrs. Kumudu Herath appointed as the council members of the office.”

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